Negotiation skills for excellent business results
With En GardE you can expect the focus to be on important success factors, plenty of practice and as much sharing of practical experience as possible in every negotiation training session.

Effective Business Negotiations

Negotiation skills for excellent business results
The En GardE bestseller for negotiators and those who want to become negotiatiors. With its acute focus on practice and execution as well as cutting edge didactics and methodology,this training is indispensable to achieve measurable success in negotiations.
Challenging case work guarantees two or three intense, informative and above all, profitable days of training. En GardE is the perfect training for people who want to negotiate better and where top quality is worth something.


Master Class

Mastering difficult negotiations
The ideal follow-up training, exclusively for graduates of the En GardE training “Effective Business Negotiations“. Some negotiations are particularly difficult, some negotiation partners extremely hard to handle. In addition, time pressure, unexpected changes in the business environment, as well as tactical games can easily put the targeted objectives at risk.
In this intensive training, we will get you prepared for particularly difficult situations in negotiations. You will experience 2 highly intensive days, working almost exclusively on eight challenging, realistic practical cases and case studies with DPV-control.


Constructive Conflict Discussion

Dealing professionally with conflict in negotiations
A single inappropriate word, a misunderstanding, a demand perceived as unreasonable – and your negotiation suddenly turns into a conflict. Upcoming emotions, although often hidden from the counterpart, compromise the willingness to cooperate. Increasing distrust hampers the negotiation progress and in case of highly escalated conflicts the negotiation may even be terminated.
In this training you will work with own or provided practice cases and learn how to resolve a conflict and re-establish a constructive, rational discussion basis. In this way, the energy bound in the conflict can be focussed again towards achieving your negotiation goals and finding optimal solutions.
